Jumat, 19 September 2014

Vinnie's Weekly Haul: September 19, 2014

This week wasn't anything spectacular in terms of releases. Didn't see any toys that struck my fancy, and while I'm always excited about comics, nothing sticks out as being an absolute must buy.

So let's get on with it.

Here's what I bought in the way of comic books:

  • All-New X-Men #32
  • Avengers #35
  • Avengers World #13
  • Batman Eternal #24
  • Daredevil #8
  • Elektra #6
  • FF vol 2 #1-16 (digital)
  • Multiversity
  • Original Sin #5.5
  • Superior Spider-Man #33
  • Thor: God of Thunder #35
  • Uncanny Avengers #24
  • Uncanny X-Men #26
  • Unwritten: Apocalypse #9
Thor: God of Thunder #25 marks the finale issue of the current Thor series before Thor starts up again with a new number one issue in October. It'll still be written by Jason Aaron, so I guess it's an unnecessary relaunch, but you know Marvel, they love their number ones.

Avengers #35 is the first issue of the latest Avengers crossover "Time Runs Out." Based on Jonathan Hickman's previous work on the title I'm expecting great things from this Avengers/New Avengers crossover, which could end in a line-wide Marvel reboot, similar to what DC did with the New 52 a few years ago. Hopefully, this isn't the case, but we'll see what happens.

Superior Spider-Man #33 continues our look into the Marvel multiverse as Spider-Ock and a collection of other Spider-Men from various dimensions team up to take on a big bad. I'm just excited about this because Christos Cage is a co-writer and he always does great work on Spider-Man.

I also picked up FF vol.2 on Comixology this morning. Marvel is running a sale on the series today only with each issue only costing 99 cents. Word of advice, only pick up FF, do not get Matt Fraction's Fantastic Four run. It's hot garbage and I'm really surprised he pumped that shlock out.

Apart from the comics, I also picked up a Pikachi laplander hat.

Look at that debonair mother fucker. And the hat looks good too,

And I did buy some more Lego this week.

Expect the review on this set in the next few weeks. I'll be reviewing the AT-AT soon, then the Star Destroyer after.

So that's it. Catch you guys next week!

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