Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

Vinnie's Weekly Haul: August 29, 2014

This was a pretty big week for me, so let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Here's what I pulled from the comic stands this week, along with what comics I bought digitally. 

  • Adventure Time: Fionna  & Cake #1-6 (digital)
  • Adventure Time: Marceline and the Scream Queens #1-6 (digital)
  • All-New X-Men #31
  • Avengers #34
  • Batman Eternal #21
  • Bee and Puppycat #1-2 (digital)
  • Black Science #8 (digital)
  • Cyclops #4
  • Doc Unknown Vol. 1 (digital)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy #18
  • Inhuman #4
  • Lumberjanes #1-3 (digital)
  • The Manhattan Projects #23
  • Original Sin #5.4
  • Saga #22
  • Silver Surfer #5
  • Superman #34
  • Uncanny Avengers #23
As you can see I bought a good amount of comics this week. So far I've only read Avengers #34 and Superman #34, both were great reads.

And Avengers #34 has got me absolutely stoked for Time Runs Out, the crossover event bringing Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers runs together to drastically change the Marvel Universe. Can't wait.

I also bought all of Mixels Series 3 from Lego this week. Twice, actually. I always buy doubles of Mixels. 

I'm not sure what their official release date is since they're still not showing up on Lego's online shop but the physical stores have them for sale. Keep a look out in the coming weeks, I plan on reviewing the each of the three tribes (that's colors for the uninitiated).

And lastly, I decided to pick up this Lego City accessory set. It's arctic camping gear to match their new Lego City Arctic line. I'll be posting a review soon, but here's a teaser: I'm greatly disappointed. 

So that's it for this week, catch y'all next time!

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